Adult Coaching Courses at Mount Anville School, Stillorgan (Eircode D14 A8P3).


In a convenient location near Stillorgan Village, within a short driving distance from Dundrum, Blackrock, Dun Laoghaire & Sandycove, Mount Anville School has three artificial grass tournament standard tennis courts.

Mount Anville School

Tennis lessons starting week beginning 22nd July.
Beginners: 7pm to 8pm - Mon, Tues, Weds or Thurs. (BOOKED OUT)
Intermediate/Advanced: 8pm to 9pm - Mon, Tues, Weds or Thurs. (BOOKED OUT)
Duration: 6-Weeks.
Cost: €95.
* Maximum groups of 12.

Your payment will be processed online by Paypal. If you wish to pay with your credit card, click the Check Out button beneath the Paypal button on the checkout page.
* To sign up more than one person to this course, enter the details of a person above and use the QUANTITY option on the following page. We will contact you for fuller details later.
Alternatively you can call Jamie on 087 278 8985 or email.

Please see course description here:
  • Week 1: Forehand
  • Week 2: Backhand
  • Week 3: Serve
  • Week 4: Volley
  • Week 5: Smash
  • Week 6: Competition
  • Week 1: Footwork
  • Week 2: Direction of Shots
  • Week 3: Topspin Serve
  • Week 4: Approach Shot and Volley
  • Week 5: Playing from the baseline
  • Week 6: Competition